LiXee ZLinky_TIC

Model ZLinky_TIC
Vendor LiXee
Description Lixee ZLinky
Picture LiXee ZLinky_TIC

OTA updates

This device supports OTA updates, for more information see OTA updates.


How to use device type specific configuration

  • measurement_poll_interval: This device does not support reporting electric measurements so it is polled instead. The default poll interval is 60 seconds, set to -1 to disable. The value must be a number with a minimum value of -1

  • linky_mode: Counter with TIC in mode standard or historique. May require restart (default: auto). The value must be one of auto, historique, standard

  • energy_phase: Power with single or three phase. May require restart (default: auto). The value must be one of auto, single_phase, three_phase

  • production: If you produce energy back to the grid (works ONLY when linky_mode: standard, default: auto). The value must be one of auto, true, false

  • tarif: Overrides the automatic current tarif. This option will exclude unnecesary attributes. Open a issue to support more of them. Default: auto. The value must be one of Historique - BASE, Historique - HCHP, Historique - EJP, Historique - BBR, Standard - Sem WE Lundi, Standard - Sem WE Mercredi, Standard - Sem WE Vendredi, Standard - BASE, Standard - Heure Pleine Heure Creuse, Standard - TEMPO, auto

  • kWh_precision: Number of digits after decimal point for kWh, takes into effect on next report of device. The value must be a number with a minimum value of 0 and with a with a maximum value of 3

  • measurement_poll_chunk: During the poll, request multiple exposes to the Zlinky at once for reducing Zigbee network overload. Too much request at once could exceed device limit. Requieres Z2M restart. Default: 1. The value must be a number with a minimum value of 1

  • tic_command_whitelist: List of TIC commands to be exposed (separated by comma). Reconfigure device after change. Default: all. The value must be textual.


ADCO (text)

Serial Number. Value can be found in the published state on the meter_serial_number property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

BASE (numeric)

Base index. Value can be found in the published state on the current_summ_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

OPTARIF (text)

Tarif option. Value can be found in the published state on the current_tarif property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

ISOUSC (numeric)

Subscribed intensity level. Value can be found in the published state on the available_power property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

HCHC (numeric)

HCHC index. Value can be found in the published state on the current_tier1_summ_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

HCHP (numeric)

HCHP index. Value can be found in the published state on the current_tier2_summ_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

BBRHCJW (numeric)

BBRHCJW index. Value can be found in the published state on the current_tier3_summ_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

BBRHPJW (numeric)

BBRHPJW index. Value can be found in the published state on the current_tier4_summ_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

BBRHCJR (numeric)

BBRHCJR index. Value can be found in the published state on the current_tier5_summ_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

BBRHPJR (numeric)

BBRHPJR index. Value can be found in the published state on the current_tier6_summ_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

IINST (numeric)

RMS current. Value can be found in the published state on the rms_current property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

IINST2 (numeric)

RMS current (phase 2). Value can be found in the published state on the rms_current_ph_b property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

IINST3 (numeric)

RMS current (phase 3). Value can be found in the published state on the rms_current_ph_c property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

IMAX (numeric)

RMS current peak. Value can be found in the published state on the rms_current_max property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

IMAX2 (numeric)

RMS current peak (phase 2). Value can be found in the published state on the rms_current_max_ph_b property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

IMAX3 (numeric)

RMS current peak (phase 3). Value can be found in the published state on the rms_current_max_ph_c property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

PMAX (numeric)

Three-phase power peak. Value can be found in the published state on the active_power_max property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is W.

PAPP (numeric)

Apparent power. Value can be found in the published state on the apparent_power property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VA.

PTEC (text)

Current pricing period. Value can be found in the published state on the active_register_tier_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

DEMAIN (text)

Tomorrow color. Value can be found in the published state on the tomorrow_color property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

HHPHC (numeric)

Schedule HPHC. Value can be found in the published state on the schedule_h_p_h_c property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

PPOT (numeric)

Presence of potentials. Value can be found in the published state on the presence_potential property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

PEJP (numeric)

EJP start notice (30min). Value can be found in the published state on the start_notice_e_j_p property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is min.

ADPS (numeric)

Subscribed Power Exceeded Warning. Value can be found in the published state on the warn_d_p_s property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

ADIR1 (numeric)

Over Current Warning (phase 1). Value can be found in the published state on the warn_d_i_r1 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

ADIR2 (numeric)

Over Current Warning (phase 2). Value can be found in the published state on the warn_d_i_r2 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

ADIR3 (numeric)

Over Current Warning (phase 3). Value can be found in the published state on the warn_d_i_r3 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is A.

LTARF (text)

Current supplier price label. Value can be found in the published state on the current_price property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

NTARF (numeric)

Current tariff index number. Value can be found in the published state on the current_index_tarif property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

VTIC (numeric)

Customer tele-information protocol version. Value can be found in the published state on the software_revision property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

DATE (text)

Current date and time. Value can be found in the published state on the current_date property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

EASF07 (numeric)

Total provider active power delivered (index 07). Value can be found in the published state on the current_tier7_summ_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

EASF08 (numeric)

Total provider active power delivered (index 08). Value can be found in the published state on the current_tier8_summ_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

EASF09 (numeric)

Total provider active power delivered (index 09). Value can be found in the published state on the current_tier9_summ_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

EASF10 (numeric)

Total provider active power delivered (index 10). Value can be found in the published state on the current_tier10_summ_delivered property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

EASD01 (numeric)

Active energy withdrawn Distributor (index 01). Value can be found in the published state on the active_enerfy_out_d01 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

EASD02 (numeric)

Active energy withdrawn Distributor (index 02). Value can be found in the published state on the active_enerfy_out_d02 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

EASD03 (numeric)

Active energy withdrawn Distributor (index 03). Value can be found in the published state on the active_enerfy_out_d03 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

EASD04 (numeric)

Active energy withdrawn Distributor (index 04). Value can be found in the published state on the active_enerfy_out_d04 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

EAIT (numeric)

Total active power injected. Value can be found in the published state on the current_summ_received property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

ERQ1 (numeric)

Total reactive power (Q1). Value can be found in the published state on the total_reactive_power property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VArh.

ERQ2 (numeric)

Total reactive power (Q2). Value can be found in the published state on the reactive_power property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VArh.

ERQ3 (numeric)

Total reactive power (Q3). Value can be found in the published state on the reactive_power_ph_b property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VArh.

ERQ4 (numeric)

Total reactive power (Q4). Value can be found in the published state on the reactive_power_ph_c property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VArh.

URMS1 (numeric)

RMS voltage. Value can be found in the published state on the rms_voltage property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is V.

URMS2 (numeric)

RMS voltage (phase 2). Value can be found in the published state on the rms_voltage_ph_b property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is V.

URMS3 (numeric)

RMS voltage (phase 3). Value can be found in the published state on the rms_voltage_ph_c property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is V.

STGE (text)

Register of Statutes. Value can be found in the published state on the status_register property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

PCOUP (numeric)

Apparent power threshold. Value can be found in the published state on the power_threshold property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kVA.

SINSTI (numeric)

Instantaneous apparent power injected. Value can be found in the published state on the injected_v_a property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VA.

SMAXIN (numeric)

Apparent power max. injected n. Value can be found in the published state on the injected_v_a_max_n property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VA.

SMAXIN-1 (numeric)

Apparent power max. injected n-1. Value can be found in the published state on the injected_v_a_max_n1 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VA.

CCASN (numeric)

Current point of the active load curve drawn. Value can be found in the published state on the active_power property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is W.

CCASN-1 (numeric)

Previous point of the active load curve drawn. Value can be found in the published state on the active_power_ph_b property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is W.

CCAIN (numeric)

Point n of the withdrawn active load curve. Value can be found in the published state on the injected_active_load_n property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is W.

CCAIN-1 (numeric)

Point n-1 of the withdrawn active load curve. Value can be found in the published state on the injected_active_load_n1 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is W.

UMOY1 (numeric)

Average RMS voltage (phase 1). Value can be found in the published state on the average_rms_voltage_meas_period property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is V.

UMOY2 (numeric)

Average RMS voltage (phase 2). Value can be found in the published state on the average_rms_voltage_measure_period_ph_b property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is V.

UMOY3 (numeric)

Average RMS voltage (phase 3). Value can be found in the published state on the average_rms_voltage_meas_period_ph_c property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is V.

SINSTS2 (numeric)

Immediate apparent power delivered (phase 2). Value can be found in the published state on the apparent_power_ph_b property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VA.

SINSTS3 (numeric)

Immediate apparent power delivered (phase 3). Value can be found in the published state on the apparent_power_ph_c property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VA.

SMAXN2 (numeric)

Apparent power delivered peak (phase 2). Value can be found in the published state on the active_power_max_ph_b property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VA.

SMAXN3 (numeric)

Apparent power delivered peak (phase 3). Value can be found in the published state on the active_power_max_ph_c property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VA.

SMAXN-1 (numeric)

Apparent power max. draw-off n-1. Value can be found in the published state on the drawn_v_a_max_n1 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VA.

SMAXN2-1 (numeric)

Apparent power max. draw-off n-1 (phase 2). Value can be found in the published state on the drawn_v_a_max_n1_p2 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VA.

SMAXN3-1 (numeric)

Apparent power max. draw-off n-1 (phase 3). Value can be found in the published state on the drawn_v_a_max_n1_p3 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is VA.

MSG1 (text)

Message short. Value can be found in the published state on the message1 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

MSG2 (text)

Message ultra-short. Value can be found in the published state on the message2 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

PRM (text)

PRM number. Value can be found in the published state on the site_id property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

DPM1 (numeric)

Start mobile point 1. Value can be found in the published state on the start_mobile_point1 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

FPM1 (numeric)

Stop mobile point 1. Value can be found in the published state on the stop_mobile_point1 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

DPM2 (numeric)

Start mobile point 2. Value can be found in the published state on the start_mobile_point2 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

FPM2 (numeric)

Stop mobile point 2. Value can be found in the published state on the stop_mobile_point2 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

DPM3 (numeric)

Start mobile point 3. Value can be found in the published state on the start_mobile_point3 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

FPM3 (numeric)

Stop mobile point 3. Value can be found in the published state on the stop_mobile_point3 property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

RELAIS (numeric)

Value can be found in the published state on the relais property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

NJOURF (numeric)

Current day number supplier calendar. Value can be found in the published state on the days_number_current_calendar property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

NJOURF+1 (numeric)

Next day number supplier calendar. Value can be found in the published state on the days_number_next_calendar property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

PJOURF+1 (text)

Profile of the next supplier calendar day. Value can be found in the published state on the days_profile_current_calendar property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

PPOINTE1 (text)

Profile of the next check-in day. Value can be found in the published state on the days_profile_next_calendar property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.


Meter Status Word. Value can be found in the published state on the MOTDETAT property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

Linkquality (numeric)

Link quality (signal strength). Value can be found in the published state on the linkquality property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The minimal value is 0 and the maximum value is 255. The unit of this value is lqi.