Ubisys J1

Model J1
Vendor Ubisys
Description Shutter control J1
Exposes cover (state, position, tilt), power, energy, linkquality
Picture Ubisys J1


Configuring Inputs

In case the inputs need to be reconfigured (e.g. to use stationary switches instead of momentary ones or vice versa) this can be done in the same way as it is being done for the ubisys C4.

Configuration of device attributes

By publishing to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set various device attributes can be configured:

    "configure_j1": {
        "windowCoveringType": xxx,
        "configStatus": xxx,
        "installedOpenLimitLiftCm": xxx,
        "installedClosedLimitLiftCm": xxx,
        "installedOpenLimitTiltDdegree": xxx,
        "installedClosedLimitTiltDdegree": xxx,
        "turnaroundGuardTime": xxx,
        "liftToTiltTransitionSteps": xxx,
        "totalSteps": xxx,
        "liftToTiltTransitionSteps2": xxx,
        "totalSteps2": xxx,
        "additionalSteps": xxx,
        "inactivePowerThreshold": xxx,
        "startupSteps": xxx,
        "totalSteps": xxx,
        "totalSteps2": xxx

For further details on these attributes please take a look at the ubisys J1 technical reference manual, chapter “7.2.5. Window Covering Cluster (Server)”.

As an alternative to the attributes listed above, the following properties may be used for convenience:

  • open_to_closed_s: corresponds to totalSteps, but takes value in seconds instead of in full AC waves
  • closed_to_open_s: ditto for totalSteps2,
  • lift_to_tilt_transition_ms: sets both liftToTiltTransitionSteps and liftToTiltTransitionSteps2 (they shall both be equal according to ubisys manual), but takes value in milliseconds instead of in full AC waves
  • steps_per_second: factor to be used for conversion, defaults to 50 full AC waves per second if not provided

By publishing to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get/configure_j1 the values of the configuration attributes can also be read back from the device and be printed to the normal Zigbee2MQTT log.


By publishing {"configure_j1": {"calibrate": 1}} to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set the device can also be calibrated after installation to support more advanced positioning features (i.e. go to lift percentage / go to tilt percentage). This can be combined with setting attributes as shown above, for example:

    "configure_j1": {
        "calibrate" : 1,
        "windowCoveringType": 8,
        "lift_to_tilt_transition_ms": 1600

The calibration procedure will move the shutter up and down several times and the current stage of the calibration process will again be logged to the normal Zigbee2MQTT log for the user to get some feedback. For details on the calibration procedure please again take a look at the ubisys J1 technical reference manual, chapter “ Calibration”. Please note that tilt transition steps cannot be determined automatically and must therefore be configured manually for the device to also support “go to tilt percentage”. One possibility to determine the correct value is to take a video of the blinds moving from 0 to 100 percent tilt and then getting the exact timing from the video by playing it slow motion.

Home Assistant cover features when using MQTT discovery

The cover will be offered to Home Assistant as supporting lift and tilt by default, but for covers with reduced functionality this can be passed along to Home Assistant by disabling some of the topics in configuration.yaml, for example:

    friendly_name: cover_not_supporting_tilt
        tilt_command_topic: null
        tilt_status_topic: null
        tilt_status_template: null
    friendly_name: cover_supporting_neither_lift_nor_tilt
        set_position_topic: null
        set_position_template: null
        position_topic: null
        position_template: null
        tilt_command_topic: null
        tilt_status_topic: null
        tilt_status_template: null

OTA updates

This device supports OTA updates, for more information see OTA updates.


How to use device type specific configuration

  • invert_cover: Inverts the cover position, false: open=100,close=0, true: open=0,close=100 (default false). The value must be true or false

  • power_precision: Number of digits after decimal point for power, takes into effect on next report of device. The value must be a number with a minimum value of 0 and with a with a maximum value of 3

  • power_calibration: Calibrates the power value (percentual offset), takes into effect on next report of device. The value must be a number.

  • energy_precision: Number of digits after decimal point for energy, takes into effect on next report of device. The value must be a number with a minimum value of 0 and with a with a maximum value of 3

  • energy_calibration: Calibrates the energy value (percentual offset), takes into effect on next report of device. The value must be a number.



The current state of this cover is in the published state under the state property (value is OPEN or CLOSE). To control this cover publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"state": "OPEN"}, {"state": "CLOSE"}, {"state": "STOP"}. It’s not possible to read (/get) this value. To change the position publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"position": VALUE} where VALUE is a number between 0 and 100. To change the tilt publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"tilt": VALUE} where VALUE is a number between 0 and 100.

Power (numeric)

Instantaneous measured power. Value can be found in the published state on the power property. To read (/get) the value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"power": ""}. It’s not possible to write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is W.

Energy (numeric)

Sum of consumed energy. Value can be found in the published state on the energy property. To read (/get) the value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"energy": ""}. It’s not possible to write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is kWh.

Linkquality (numeric)

Link quality (signal strength). Value can be found in the published state on the linkquality property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The minimal value is 0 and the maximum value is 255. The unit of this value is lqi.