Model BAC-002-ALZB
Vendor HKGK
Description BAC series thermostat
Exposes lock (state), climate (current_heating_setpoint, local_temperature, local_temperature_calibration, system_mode, preset, fan_mode), sensor, programming_mode, linkquality
Picture HKGK BAC-002-ALZB



Switch the thermostat off. Press and hold the temperature down button for +- 8 seconds to enable the pairing mode (display lights up and a WiFi-like icon is blinking). After successful interview turn the thermostat on again.

Stop message flooding

This unit has a bug that makes it send multiple messages when updating. To stop this from flooding your MQTT Queues, please add the following to your configuration.yaml file:

devices: ‘0x12345678’: friendly_name: thermostat debounce: 1



The current state of this lock is in the published state under the child_lock property (value is LOCK or UNLOCK). To control this lock publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"child_lock": "LOCK"} or {"child_lock": "UNLOCK"}. It’s not possible to read (/get) this value.


This climate device supports the following features: current_heating_setpoint, local_temperature, local_temperature_calibration, system_mode, preset, fan_mode.

  • current_heating_setpoint: Temperature setpoint. To control publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"current_heating_setpoint": VALUE} where VALUE is the °C between 5 and 45. Reading (/get) this attribute is not possible.
  • local_temperature: Current temperature measured on the device (in °C). Reading (/get) this attribute is not possible.
  • system_mode: Mode of this device. To control publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"system_mode": VALUE} where VALUE is one of: off, cool. Reading (/get) this attribute is not possible.
  • preset: Mode of this device (similar to system_mode). To control publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"preset": VALUE} where VALUE is one of: hold, program. Reading (/get) this attribute is not possible.
  • local_temperature_calibration: Offset to be used in the local_temperature. To control publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"local_temperature_calibration": VALUE}.The minimal value is -10 and the maximum value is 10 with a step size of 0.1.

Sensor (enum)

Select temperature sensor to use. Value can be found in the published state on the sensor property. It’s not possible to read (/get) this value. To write (/set) a value publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"sensor": NEW_VALUE}. The possible values are: IN, AL, OU.

Programming_mode (composite)

Schedule MODE ⏱ - In this mode, the device executes a preset week programming temperature time and temperature..

  • week (enum): Week format user for schedule allowed values: 5+2, 6+1, 7
  • workdays_schedule (text)
  • holidays_schedule (text)

Linkquality (numeric)

Link quality (signal strength). Value can be found in the published state on the linkquality property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The minimal value is 0 and the maximum value is 255. The unit of this value is lqi.