Third Reality 3RSNL02043Z

Model 3RSNL02043Z
Vendor Third Reality
Description Zigbee multi-function night light
Exposes light (state, brightness, color_temp, color_xy, color_hs), occupancy, illuminance, illuminance_lux, linkquality
Picture Third Reality 3RSNL02043Z

OTA updates

This device supports OTA updates, for more information see OTA updates.


How to use device type specific configuration

  • transition: Controls the transition time (in seconds) of on/off, brightness, color temperature (if applicable) and color (if applicable) changes. Defaults to 0 (no transition). The value must be a number with a minimum value of 0

  • color_sync: When enabled colors will be synced, e.g. if the light supports both color x/y and color temperature a conversion from color x/y to color temperature will be done when setting the x/y color (default true). The value must be true or false

  • state_action: State actions will also be published as ‘action’ when true (default false). The value must be true or false

  • illuminance_calibration: Calibrates the illuminance value (percentual offset), takes into effect on next report of device. The value must be a number.

  • illuminance_lux_calibration: Calibrates the illuminance_lux value (percentual offset), takes into effect on next report of device. The value must be a number.



This light supports the following features: state, brightness, color_temp, color_xy, color_hs.

  • state: To control the state publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"state": "ON"}, {"state": "OFF"} or {"state": "TOGGLE"}. To read the state send a message to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"state": ""}.
  • brightness: To control the brightness publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"brightness": VALUE} where VALUE is a number between 0 and 254. To read the brightness send a message to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"brightness": ""}.
  • color_temp: To control the color temperature (in reciprocal megakelvin a.k.a. mired scale) publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"color_temp": VALUE} where VALUE is a number between 153 and 555, the higher the warmer the color. To read the color temperature send a message to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"color_temp": ""}. Besides the numeric values the following values are accepected: coolest, cool, neutral, warm, warmest.
  • color_xy: To control the XY color (CIE 1931 color space) publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"color": {"x": X_VALUE, "y": Y_VALUE}} (e.g. {"color":{"x":0.123,"y":0.123}}). To read the XY color send a message to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"color":{"x":"","y":""}}. Alternatively it is possible to set the XY color via RGB:
    • {"color": {"r": R, "g": G, "b": B}} e.g. {"color":{"r":46,"g":102,"b":150}}
    • {"color": {"rgb": "R,G,B"}} e.g. {"color":{"rgb":"46,102,150"}}
    • {"color": {"hex": HEX}} e.g. {"color":{"hex":"#547CFF"}}
  • color_hs: To control the hue/saturation (color) publish a message to topic zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set with payload {"color": {"hue": HUE, "saturation": SATURATION}} (e.g. {"color":{"hue":360,"saturation":100}}). To read the hue/saturation send a message to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/get with payload {"color":{"hue":"","saturation":""}}. Alternatively it is possible to set the hue/saturation via:
    • HSB space (hue, saturation, brightness): {"color": {"h": H, "s": S, "b": B}} e.g. {"color":{"h":360,"s":100,"b":100}} or {"color": {"hsb": "H,S,B"}} e.g. {"color":{"hsb":"360,100,100"}}
    • HSV space (hue, saturation, value):{"color": {"h": H, "s": S, "v": V}} e.g. {"color":{"h":360,"s":100,"v":100}} or {"color": {"hsv": "H,S,V"}} e.g. {"color":{"hsv":"360,100,100"}}
    • HSL space (hue, saturation, lightness){"color": {"h": H, "s": S, "l": L}} e.g. {"color":{"h":360,"s":100,"l":100}} or {"color": {"hsl": "H,S,L"}} e.g. {"color":{"hsl":"360,100,100"}}


For all of the above mentioned features it is possible to do a transition of the value over time. To do this add an additional property transition to the payload which is the transition time in seconds. Examples: {"brightness":156,"transition":3}, {"color_temp":241,"transition":1}.


Instead of setting a value (e.g. brightness) directly it is also possible to:

  • move: this will automatically move the value over time, to stop send value stop or 0.
  • step: this will increment/decrement the current value by the given one.

The direction of move and step can be either up or down, provide a negative value to move/step down, a positive value to move/step up. To do this send a payload like below to zigbee2mqtt/FRIENDLY_NAME/set

NOTE: brightness move/step will stop at the minimum brightness and won’t turn on the light when it’s off. In this case use brightness_move_onoff/brightness_step_onoff

  "brightness_move": -40, // Starts moving brightness down at 40 units per second
  "brightness_move": 0, // Stop moving brightness
  "brightness_step": 40 // Increases brightness by 40
  "color_temp_move": 60, // Starts moving color temperature up at 60 units per second
  "color_temp_move": "stop", // Stop moving color temperature
  "color_temp_step": 99, // Increase color temperature by 99
  "hue_move": 40, // Starts moving hue up at 40 units per second, will endlessly loop (allowed value range: -255 till 255)
  "hue_step": -90, // Decrease hue by 90 (allowed value range: -255 till 255)
  "saturation_move": -55, // Starts moving saturation down at -55 units per second (allowed value range: -255 till 255)
  "saturation_step": 66, // Increase saturation by 66 (allowed value range: -255 till 255)

Occupancy (binary)

Indicates whether the device detected occupancy. Value can be found in the published state on the occupancy property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. If value equals true occupancy is ON, if false OFF.

Illuminance (numeric)

Raw measured illuminance. Value can be found in the published state on the illuminance property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value.

Illuminance_lux (numeric)

Measured illuminance in lux. Value can be found in the published state on the illuminance_lux property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The unit of this value is lx.

Linkquality (numeric)

Link quality (signal strength). Value can be found in the published state on the linkquality property. It’s not possible to read (/get) or write (/set) this value. The minimal value is 0 and the maximum value is 255. The unit of this value is lqi.